Welcome to the North Douglas Elementary Middle School

Home of the Warriors


All of the registration paperwork is listed below in two columns. Column 1 is registration paperwork that needs printed, filled out, and returned to the school. You can return it via fax,  541-836-7034, email, shelly.harkins@northdouglas.k12.or.us, or in person. If you need a paper copy please request one from the NDEMS office by emailing Office Manager Shelly Harkins, or calling the school at 541-836-2213. Column 2 is for your information only.

Please print, complete, and return to the Elementary Middle School office:

Please print, read, and keep these forms:

2024/2025 Supply List

Registration Form

New Student Information

Internet Use Agreement

Title I

Power to Publish

Migrant Ed

Language Use Survey

Records Request

Medical Form

An inter-district transfer is required if the student does not live in the North Douglas School District but wants to attend a North Douglas school. The transfer must be approved by both the resident District and the North Douglas School District. Please notify North Douglas Elementary/Middle School of your intent to enroll prior to filling out the Inter-District Transfer Request.

Inter-District Transfer Request